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  • April 2024 Issue delayed
  • Dear Researcher, It Pleased to inform you that, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Volume 13, Issue 2 (April 2024) Issue) schedule published on 15 April 2024 is delay due to some technical problem. It will published on 22 April 2024. Sorry for inconvenience. For other details You can vist the website http://www.ajper.com
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  • January 2024 Issue published
  • Dear Researcher, It Pleased to inform you that, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, has successfully launch Volume 13, Issue 1 (January 2024) Issue). You can find the article on http://ajper.com/current_issue.php Article also invited for the Next coming Issue from your side. For More details Visit: www.ajper.com
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Kabra Mahaveer Prasad, Bhandari Sanjay Singh, Vaishnav Mukesh Kumar

Department of Pharmacology, Kota College of Pharmacy, Kota, Rajasthan, India.


A food allergy is an immunologic response to a food protein and caused by allergens in the food that are a kind of protein in the food. Food allergy is recognized as a common worldwide problem. Anaphylaxis, Angioedema, Skin rashes, Eczema etc. is the symptom of food allergy. Drug interaction risk isn't limited to herbal supplements. Certain foods can interact with medications. People taking digoxin should avoid Black licorice (which contains the ingredient glycyrhizin). Together, they can produce irregular heart rhythms and cardiac arrest; licorice and diuretics will produce dangerously low potassium levels, putting a patient at risk for numbing weakness, muscle pain and even paralysis. Licorice can also interact with blood pressure medication or any calcium channel blockers some food product like milk, peanut, fish, eggs etc. produce allergy like diarrhoea, vomiting and these are treated using substituents and medicines. Diagnosis of food allergy is based on clinical history, skin prick tests, and laboratory tests to detect serum-food specific IgE, elimination diets and challenges.

Keywords: Food allergy, skin rashes, immunologic response, hypersensitivity reaction, vomiting, diarrhoea.

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