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  • Call for article for October 2024 issue
  • Submissions of Review, Research Article, Short Communication and Case study are being accepted for the current and future issues before 15 September, 2024 of this journal by online process or editor@ajper.com, or ajper.editor@gmail.com. Further information can be found at www.ajper.com.
  • July 2024 Issue published
  • Dear Researcher, It Pleased to inform you that, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, has successfully launch Volume 13, Issue 3 (July 2024 Issue). You can find the article on http://ajper.com/current_issue.php Article also invited for the Next coming Issue from your side. For More details Visit: www.ajper.com
  • Application For Reviewer
  • We are now going to reconstitute our editorial board members of Reviewer. Please send your resume at ajper.editor@gmail.com and be a part of the editorial board member as Reviewer.
  • AJPER Impact facor
  • It is to pleasure that Ajper SJIF imact facor has increse from 5.019 to 7.014. Also global impact factor incresed from 0.654 to 0.765.
  • ICV
  • AJPER Rank with Index Copernicus Value 61.10 due to high reputation at International Level



Dr. Romsha Singh, Manorama Patidar*

Govt. Maharani Laxmi Bai Girls P.G. Autonomous College, Bhopal (M.P.)


Free radicals or highly reactive oxygen class are able of inducing oxidative injuries to human body. Antioxidants are the compounds which terminate the attack of reactive species and reduce the risk of diseases. The present study was conducted to determine the antioxidant properties of two medicinal plants Camellia sinensis and Tinospora Cordifolia using two methods DPPH and Reducing power assay. The extract of Camellia sinensis aqueous extract exhibited good antioxidant activity as compared to aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia in both the methods. These differences might be due to their different antioxidant mechanisms or variations in their ability to scavenge free radicals.

Keywords: Camellia sinensis, Tinospora Cordifolia, Antioxidant, DPPH, Reducing power assay

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